supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
  • Moving On Up

    Pre-employability support for 16-19 years olds focusing on mental health and personal development.

    This service is provided by: Link Living

    Pathway stages: 1 2

    Max. places per year: 40

    Area covered: Levenmouth area, Kirkcaldy area, Glenrothes area

    Eligibility criteria: Must be aged 16-19

    Moving On Up offers intensive tailored support covering mental-health, resilience and skills for life for up to 52 weeks. The programme enables young people aged 16-19 to develop their human capital, resilience and to be ambitious for their futures. MOU focuses on those with a history of struggling to engage with education who are leaving school early with poor/no qualifications, and those who dropped out of school during the pandemic. Project ends 31st May 2025.

    Contact details
    Contact PersonNicky Paton - e: [email protected] t: 01324 466860
    AddressWest Bridge Mill, Bridge Street, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1TE

    Other services delivered by this organisation:
    Link Academy
    Steps to Resilience (STR)
    Step On
    Sporting Chance

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Information on Employer Recruitment Incentives in Fife

FVA provides a range of strategic support for employability services in the area - click to find out more. We receive funding through Opportunities Fife Partnership to both represent and support the development of third sector employability projects in the area.

The Opportunities Fife Partnership is the strategic local employability partnership for this area. Click here to find out more about their work and how they can help.