supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering


  • Poverty is alleviated by having sustainable well-paid employment. Helping people to becoming employable, to avoid under-employment, and to stay in work is a priority for third and public service agencies in Fife.

    Fife Voluntary Action - with funding from Fife Council - works to build the capacity of third sector providers in the region to support this goal.

    What We Do

    Increase the employability of people in Fife through improving the capacity, scope and influence of third sector provision in the area in line with the Opportunities Fife Partnership mission and objectives.

    Our priorities are:

    • Improving the quality and scope of third sector employability services in Fife
    • Raising the profile of the third sector as a key partner in delivering employment outcomes in Fife
    • Increasing third sector influence and understanding of policy development at national, regional and local levels
    • Improving awareness of the role volunteering can play in helping people build employability

    Support improving the quality and scope of third sector employability services through:

    In line with the priorities of the Opportunities Fife Partnership, build organisations'

    • ability to support people with mental health as a barrier to employment, through training and supporting the creation of Fife's Mental Health Peer Support Network
    • capacity to take a human rights-based approach to employability service design and delivery

    Raise the profile of the third sector as a key partner in delivering employment outcomes in Fife through:

    • Producing the regular Working for Fife reports, which map the scale, scope and contributions of the sector
    • Representing the sector at Opportunities Fife partnership board and delivery group meetings
    • Representation at national forums and events,
    • support to the third sector in funding & finance discussions

    Support third sector influence and understanding of policy development at national, regional and local levels through:

    Raise awareness of the role volunteering can play in helping people build employability through:

    Our Employability Development team

    Employability Development Manager - Pegs Bailey
    Employability Development Officer - Sandy Mackenzie
    Employability Project Support Officer - Ewan MacLeod
    Peer Support Network Co-ordinator - Trish O'Brien
    Team Experience Co-ordinator - Pam Miller
    From Struggle to Strength Project Assistant - Christina Graham

This page was last updated on 11 July 2023.
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Employability forum

The Fife Employability Forum is held quarterly and brings together staff and managers involved in employability services from all sectors. Its aim is to help organisations work together to improve employment outcomes for people in Fife.

Upcoming forums
Fife Employability Forum
(04 Sep 2024)

Third Sector Employability Conversations

Our Third Sector Employability Conversations are a space for third sector partners to share their experiences, make connections and share their vision for Fife's employability landscape.

Conversations feature presentations from guest speakers to update attendees on public policy and third sector practice.

Upcoming conversations
Third Sector Employability Conversation
(01 Oct 2024)
Third Sector Employability Conversation
(10 Dec 2024)

External Links

FVA is not responsible for the content of external sites.