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  • Sunrise Africa Relief - Shop fittings for sale

    Created: 12/02/2018
    News/Events Category: Goods, Donations and Services

    Sunrise Africa Relief have the following shop fittings for sale:

    2 cash registers, Rondelle Tall glass cabinet, 4 arm stand for hanging clothes, 2 heavy duty clothes rails, 15 D-Hanging rails, 12 7-pin sloping arm, 2 double pin sloping arm, 50 hooks, 6 slated hanging baskets, 1 round wire basket with stand, 2 square wire baskets, 2 5-hook rails, 16 wooden shelves with brackets, Mannequin - bust, 2 boxes with size cubes, 420 wooden coat hangers, 110 wooden hangers with bar, 200 wooden peg hangers, 50 kids hangers - wooden, 95 kids hangers - plastic, 2 CD racks, 2 DVD racks, Extendable stand holder, Bracelet holder, Tagging gun with attachments.

    To be sold as one lot, offers over £495. Value new is over £1,600.

    If you're interested in purchasing these items please contact Robert Williamson by phoning 07720 706 498 or e-mail [email protected].

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