supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering

Share your news/events

  • Advertise your events, news, job vacancies and office equipment that you want to donate - on our website and in our e-bulletins. It's quick, easy and free!

    This is a free service offered by Fife Voluntary Action to allow community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and public sector partners in Fife to promote their events and news on our website (more than 30,000 page views every month*) and in our weekly e-mail bulletin (goes to more than 2,300 e-mail addresses).

    Please note: If you want to tell us about a volunteering opportunity then please use the registration form. We are unable to accept volunteering information submitted through the news and events service.

    Provide the details Please note: Title is the name of your event, vacancy, news item or article to be advertised.

    All contact details
    Name, phone number and e-mail address
    Name and phone number
    Name and e-mail address
    No contact details
    Please view our terms and conditions (below) before using this service.

    Terms and Conditions
    • This is a FREE service.
    • Whilst every effort will be made to put your item on our website, we cannot guarantee to include all items.
    • We will only include items which are appropriate and relevant for the Fife area.
    • We reserve the right to edit information provided through this service prior to publishing.
    • Once submitted, your item will not appear instantly on our site. Items are entered into our database, edited and uploaded to the site. We will try to add your information as soon as possible but the process can take several days.
    • FVA cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies, omission or mistakes in the information presented on our website.
    Items for donation
    • We will list appropriate items that you are prepared to donate to other charitable organisations in Fife - we do not list items that are for sale.
    • Items will be listed for up to three weeks. If you find a home for your item before the three week period is up, please let us know and we will remove the advert. If, after three weeks, you are still looking for a home for your item, you can relist it.

    * The number of page views during September 2015 was 34,312. It was just over 22,000 in October 2014 and around 14,000 in October 2013.
This page was last updated on 20 June 2023.
Suggest an update/report an error/enquire about this page

What's this for?

You can use this form to tell us about:
• Community Events;
• Community News;
• Job Vacancies;
• Training Events;
• Funding News;
• Office furniture and equipment that you would like to donate to other organisations.

Completing the form

If you need any help to complete this form then please call us on 0800 389 6046 during normal office hours.

You cannot use this form to tell us about volunteering opportunities.

Please supply a title for the event, news item, training course or job vacancy. This will appear in our bulletins and website, so please try to keep it short yet informative!

Venue, Dates and Times
Only complete these boxes if this is an event or training course.

Organisation Name
Most submissions will not be accepted without a valid organisation name. This service is for third and public sector organisations.

Contact details
Please provide contact details - they may be used by us to verify the information you provide and we will also use this as the default contact information when we publish it. The Display section allows you to determine what contact details we make publicly available.

Please put in here the detail/description of the event, news item, vacancy etc. as you would like it to appear on our website. To avoid any potential confusion for readers, please try to write in the third person, for example do not write "We are looking for..." but write "Organisation X is looking for..."

Thank you.