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  • Social Enterprise Events for Fife's Social Enterprises

    Created: 11/08/2016
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    We have loads of exciting news for Fife's Social Enterprises including:
    • Training;
    • An introduction to procurement workshop; and
    • Dates for the next Fife Social Enterprise Network (FSEN) meeting.

    Training Opportunities
    A series of workshops and training courses have been arranged specifically for Fife's Social Enterprises.

    These half-day courses are designed with you in mind. They cover a wide range of business skills and are FREE to attend. In response to the feedback given by the Network, the courses have been booked at various locations throughout Fife, in order to make attending as easy as possible.

    The training courses available are:-
    Just click on the title of the training course for more information and to book your space now.

    Introduction to procurement workshop through the Supplier Development Programme
    When? Thursday 25 August 2015, 1.00 to 4.00pm
    Where? Business Gateway Fife, Kingdom House, Glenrothes

    Fife Council’s Supplier Development Programme provides support to Fife businesses in three main ways:
    1. Raising awareness of the business opportunities for SME’s from the public sector;
    2. Increasing business readiness to tender;
    3. Assisting SME’s in accessing tender opportunities.

    The Supplier Development Programme offers free expert training, support and information to help you win work and grow your business.

    This workshop to support Social Enterprises will help you better understand the procurement process. It will cover all aspects of tendering from finding opportunities and submitting your first bid to improving your score and expanding your market.

    To book a place e-mail [email protected]

    Fife Social Enterprise Network (FSEN)
    There are also two Fife Social Enterprise Network (FSEN) meetings that you are welcome to attend, details below:

    FSEN AGM and Quarterly meeting
    When? Wednesday 21 September 2016, 9.30am - 12.00pm
    Where? Furniture Plus, Dysart

    FSEN Quarterly meeting
    When? Wednesday 07 December 2016, 9.30am - 12.00pm
    Where? Fife Renewables Innovation Centre (FRIC)

    If you wish to attend either of these meetings please contact Pedro at BRAG Enterprise via e-mail: [email protected]

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