supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
  • Social Enterprise Support Pathway

    Created: 08/08/2016
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    FVA has worked with local partners to develop a new Fife Social Enterprise Business Support Pathway.

    This new, single page document aims to clearly show the range of support options open to social enterprises in Fife.

    The main partners locally are Fife Council Economic Development, Fife Voluntary Action and BRAG. Existing social enterprises, or people looking to start-up a new social enterprise, are able to access any partner and be sure of being referred to, and supported by, the most appropriate agency for the best outcome.

    Any non-for-profit organisation, or anybody looking to start-up a not-for-profit organisation, should contact us here at FVA in the first instance so that we can explore with you the various options, structures and merits of operating as a social enterprise or any one of a number of different not-for-profit models including charities, SCIOs, CICs, companies, community groups, trading arms and so on.

    To discuss your start-up or growth needs please contact us on freephone 0800 389 6046 or e-mail [email protected].

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