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  • Micro-Tyco encourages Local Social Entrepreneurship

    Created: 12/12/2013
    News/Events Category: Social Enterprise

    Local groups in Fife are being encouraged to bring out their social entrepreneurial side in February 2014 by signing up for a unique and exciting ‘Micro-Tyco’ challenge.

    Micro-Tyco is a rapidly growing initiative of WildHearts, a national organisation which works worldwide to launch companies which serve for the good of humanity.

    On 1 February 2014, teams from schools, colleges, youth groups and businesses across the UK are given a microloan of £1 seed capital, with the challenge to transform this into as much money as possible in just one month. At the end of the competition, the funds generated return to the WildHearts Foundation to fund business loans and training for some of the poorest people in 40 countries and five continents across the developing world. Participants can then come along to Entrepreneurial Masterclasses for free and network with other Micro-Tyco teams.

    WildHearts is encouraging groups in Fife to sign-up and apply their business skills to help some of the world’s most needy people, as well as getting access to this unique business training tool with video mentors along the way. Micro-Tyco was recently described by Michael Russell MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, as one of the most innovative and engaging projects he had ever seen.

    Registration for Fife groups to sign-up for Micro Tyco is now open, with further information available at online at or by contacting Kezia Rudge at [email protected]

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