voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Cosy Kingdom - Free home energy and debt advice training for frontline staff and volunteers
Created: 01/07/2024Cosy Kingdom offers free training for frontline staff and volunteers to help people to stay warm and well.
Training is delivered by a qualified energy advisor in a confidential environment and can be face-to-face or online.
Attendees will learn how to identify and support people who are in fuel poverty and gain a certificate of attendance.
Course content
Cosy Kingdom gives energy advice to anyone in Fife. Itis a partnership project, delivered by GreenerKirkcaldy, St Andrews Environmental Network, and Citizens Advice and Rights Fife. Funded by the ScottishGovernment, Fife Council, and charitable trusts.
How to book
Visit www.cosykingdom.org.uk/training