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  • Big Help Out 2024 Figures Revealed

    Created: 25/06/2024
    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    An estimated 6.5 million people took part in this year's Big Help Out according to a new poll by Walnut Omnibus. 

    The total number taking part is down around 10% on last year, however young people were the largest age group to join in. 

    This is the second annual Big Help Out following its launch to celebrate the King and Queen's Coronation in 2023.

    The event saw charities including the Scouts, RVS, RSPCA, and St John’s Ambulance host opportunities in every corner of the UK across the weekend of 07-09 June 2024.

    The poll also revealed: 

    • 79% of those who took part said they were much more likely to volunteer 
    • 74% of participants agreed that the Big Help Out made them speak to their neighbours
    • 76% said that the event made them feel a stronger sense of belonging in their community
    • 78% of participants also said the Big Help Out made it easier to meet new people
    • 79% met someone from a different background to themselves
    • 4 in 10 said they would be likely to participate in the future, while 6 in 10 young people between the ages of 18 – 34 said they would be likely to take part

    The Big Help Out campaign is a partnership with the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, and Shaping the Future with Volunteering, a coalition of 30 leading charities chaired by The Scouts and the Royal Voluntary Service.

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