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  • Learnings from Place-Based, System Change Initiatives to Tackle Child Poverty

    Created: 12/06/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families

    This report from the Scottish Government provides early evidence and learning from a range of initiatives that aim to tackle child poverty through working in partnership to provide holistic, person-centred support for parents and families. It is the first stage in the Scottish Government's system change evaluation approach and seeks to collate and synthesise early evidence and learning from across the range of initiatives focused on place-based, system change to tackle child poverty.

    Chapter Two of the report sets out the initiatives which are in scope for this work. This is a first, baseline report, highlighting preliminary learning during a period in which many of the policies and initiatives in scope were in the early stages of design, development or implementation. As the initiatives are refined and further developed, and their individual evaluations progress further, these findings will be reviewed to ensure they are still relevant and that ongoing learning and evidence is captured.

    Click here to read the report

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