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  • Carers Week 2024 - No Choice but to Care report

    Created: 11/06/2024
    News/Events Category: Health and Social Care

    A new YouGov Omnibus report from a poll of nearly 6,500 members of the public has been published to mark Carers Week 2024. 

    The report shows that 62% of UK adults, equivalent to 10 million unpaid carers, have no choice about taking on an unpaid caring role due to a lack of alternative care options. By contrast, 29% of current and former unpaid carers said that other care options were available, but they chose to undertake the unpaid carer role. 

    Whilst caring can be rewarding in many ways, those who responded to the survey found the impact of providing unpaid care was more negative than positive. They said caring had a 'slightly' or 'very' negative impact on the following: 

    • 70% on their mental health
    • 60% on their physical health
    • 56% on their job and ability to work
    • 54% on their finances and savings
    • 43% on their relationships

    The report also found that women were more likely than men to say unpaid caring had a ‘very’ negative impact on mental health (27% compared with 19%) and on their job and ability to work (22% compared with 16%). A higher proportion of women said unpaid caring had a ‘very’ or ‘slightly’ negative impact on their relationships compared with men (42% compared with 30%) and on their physical heath compared to men (59% compared with 42%).

    Those aged 45 to 54 were most likely to have no choice when taking on an unpaid caring role (70%) and were most likely to say that unpaid caring has had a ‘very’ or ‘slightly’ negative impact on their finances and savings (56%), job and ability to work (64%) and pensions (30%), compared to other age groups.

    Despite their huge contribution, the report shows that many unpaid carers do not feel supported in their role. It is estimated that unpaid carers save the economy £162 billion a year but many unpaid carers feel their role is forgotten and invisible. 

    Helen Walker, Chief Executive of Carers UK said:

    “These findings demonstrate how caring can have a profound effect on every aspect of life and wellbeing, from mental and physical health, being able to work, or affecting their future income including pensions. That’s why we need to see a future Government deliver action across Government, in the form of a National Carers Strategy. With an ageing population, this is becoming ever more important.

    “Carers Week is an important annual opportunity to ‘put carers on the map’. We want unpaid carers to know they are not forgotten, and they are not alone. Many are at breaking point, facing huge challenges with their caring responsibilities. On top of this they are struggling to manage their own health and wellbeing. Carers are worried about their long-term health, security and ability to care in the future.”

    Carers Week is taking place this week from 10 – 16 June 2024. It is a UK-wide awareness campaign seeking to increase visibility for carers with decision makers, services, employers, communities, and businesses. This year’s theme ‘Putting carers on the map’ aims to bring much-needed recognition to unpaid carers that they feel they need.

    Click here to read the report in full. 

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