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  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Annual Statistics 2023-24

    Created: 02/06/2024
    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    The Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) annual statistics reveal that 330,984 young people started their DofE, with participants giving a huge 4,725,825 million hours of volunteering in communities all over the UK as part of their programmes – a huge leap of 33% on 2022/23!

    More than 545,000 young people are actively doing their DofE, and 30% of 14-year-olds in the UK started their Bronze last year. The number of new Gold Award starts jumped by a huge 16.6%, with Awards achieved also up by 7% to more than 155,000.

    The statistics mark the end of the third year of their five-year strategy, which aims to break down barriers and give as many young people as they can the chance to do their DofE.

    Read all the statistics here. 

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