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  • Social Security Scotland - Carer Support Payment coming to Fife in August

    Created: 02/06/2024
    News/Events Category: Employability

    Thousands more unpaid carers in Scotland will soon be eligible for a new benefit, subject to Parliamentary approval.
    Carer Support Payment, the replacement for Carer's Allowance in Scotland, was first launched in November 2023 in three pilot areas, Perth & Kinross, Dundee City and Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles).  

    It will be available in 10 new local authority areas this summer as part of the next phase of the rollout, starting with North and South Lanarkshire and Angus on 24 June, subject to approval in the Scottish Parliament.
    From August it will extend to Fife, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Moray, and North, East and South Ayrshire and be available in the rest of Scotland in November. A postcode checker is available to check eligibility. 
    You can read more about the extension on their website.

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