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  • Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery - Care Manager/Lead Practitioner

    Created: 20/05/2024
    News/Events Category: Job Vacancies

    Post: Care Manager/Lead Practitioner 
    Reports to: Directors 
    Contract: Permanent (Six month probationary period)
    Hours: 40 hours per week over five days 
    Salary: £33,280 - £34,500
    Location: Letham Woods, KY15 7RS
    Start date: August 2024


    The Secret Garden is a pioneering and highly regarded outdoor nursery. One of the first fully outdoor nurseries in the UK, it has been operating as an outdoor nursery since 2008 and has been visited by students and educators from all over the world, wanting to learn more about its ethos and practices. The Secret Garden is based in a very special woodland in Letham, Fife. It is a not-for-profit organisation with a strongly embedded ethos and has a fantastic team of around 20 staff and four volunteer directors.

    The Role

    The Secret Garden is seeking a Care Manager/Lead Practitioner to lead their exceptional staff team and manage the general running of the nursery. This is a role with many diverse aspects. Time will be split between working in the woods with children and staff (minimum of one regular day a week plus covering additional days as needed), and working from an office space on site (up to three days a week), and will include attending/leading a weekly staff meeting on Friday afternoons. There may be some flexibility within the working hours - please feel free to ask.

    About You

    The role demands superb organisation and communication skills, as well as a great capacity for multi-tasking, staying calm under pressure, and responding to unexpected circumstances with cheerfulness, flexibility and creativity. A passion for nature and early years education and an openness to the Secret Garden ethos are essential.

    The successful candidate will be committed to our Secret Garden values of connection, community, curiosity and integrity, and to carrying forward work on diversity and inclusion within the nursery in accordance with their Equality and Diversity Policy.

    How to apply

    If you are interested please read the Care Manager Role Description and fill out the Care Manager Application Form and return it to [email protected] 

    The closing date for applications is Thursday 06 June 2024.


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