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  • How workplace volunteering can make us happier, healthier and more productive

    Created: 20/05/2024
    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    NCVO has said that workplace volunteering schemes create “an invaluable opportunity for charities” to meet their recruitment challenges as a new report claims it would also benefit employers.

    Pro Bono Economic’s report found that participation in a workplace volunteering scheme created an average reduction in absence of around 0.9 days per year for each member of staff that volunteered. 

    Produced for business volunteering charity Pilotlight, the new report argues that workplace volunteering can boost productivity, improve employees' wellbeing and generate billions for the UK economy. 

    One of the studies in the report claims that high-skilled individuals who volunteer experience an estimated £2,300 boost to earnings.

    It adds that between 1.5 million and 2.8 million additional people might volunteer if workplace volunteering schemes were expanded across all employers. 

    Workplace volunteering is likely to provide employers with around £1.50 to £3.60 of benefits for every £1 spent, the report states. 

    It says that this improvement in staff wellbeing has an economic value of between £800 and £1,290 per additional volunteer, meaning that expanding workplace volunteering could be worth an estimated £2.2bn overall.

    In addition to wellbeing for employees, there’s a compelling, hard-nosed business case for considering workplace volunteering, including boosts to health and skills. 

    Read the report in full here.

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