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  • The Woodward Charitable Trust

    Created: 17/05/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance
    This item will show under the following categories: Children and Families  

    The Woodward Charitable Trust only makes grants for core costs rather than specific projects as they recognise that smaller charities can find these hard to fund. They hope that this will have a more direct impact on the organisations that they choose to fund.
    Trustees only fund organisations that support at least one of the following three target groups and particularly look to fund projects that help families and young people and that are aiming to improve the life chances of their beneficiaries.

    1. Children and young people (up to 25 years)
    2. Disadvantaged families
    3. Prisoners and ex-offenders

    Types of grants available

    • Small Grants – up to £3,000, but usually £1,000 or less
    • Large Grants - Only a few large grants are awarded over £3,000 each year, and these are usually to charities known to the Trustees
    • Children’s Summer Playschemes - 60-70 grants of £250-£1,000 per year are made towards Children’s Summer Playschemes

    How to apply 

    Apply via the Woodward Charitable Trust website.

    The closing date for applications is Friday 19 July 2024.

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