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  • Tips for writing better volunteer role descriptions

    Created: 16/05/2024
    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    Advertising a clear role so volunteers know what they're signing up for is essential for recruiting the right people and ensuring everyone knows what's expected of them. You wouldn't apply for a job if you didn't know what it was, and the same applies for volunteer roles. 

    Your volunteer role descriptions let potential volunteers know about the skills required for the role, the tasks they’ll be completing, and other important logistical details. Plus, clear descriptions allow volunteers to sign up for the right roles that fit their interests and skills, leading to greater volunteer satisfaction. 

    Achieve Causes have written tips for writing better role descriptions, including: 

    1. Get specific 
    2. Address FAQs
    3. Connect the opportunity with your organisation's mission 
    4. Mention what's in it for volunteers
    5. Keep your role descriptions updated

    Read the full article here.


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