voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Scottish Child Law Centre Community Needs Survey - Fife
Created: 13/05/2024The Scottish Child Law Centre (SCLC) is a specialist hub protecting all children’s rights across Scotland, through free legal advice, specialist training and influencing long term change for children and young people. They provide free and confidential legal advice by qualified solicitors to help children and young people, parents, relatives, carers and professionals learn more about child law and children’s rights.
Right now, people can e-mail their qualified solicitors for free legal advice online. But they want to do more. They would like to open in-person legal advice clinics across Scotland, and they need to know more about the best way to do this. This survey will help us understand more about what your community needs.
Click here to access the survey
SCLC is also looking for options to support the survey in person, with printed copies, and with interpreters where needed, as they know there are various challenges in running a survey.
If you would like to find out more information about in-person events, contact the team by e-mailing [email protected]