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  • Education Scotland - Lay Member Volunteers Needed

    Created: 02/05/2024
    Please note: This volunteering item was uploaded some time ago and may have expired. Please contact us to find out more.

    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    The education inspectorate is recruiting members of the public to join our school inspection teams as lay members.

    Lay members make a positive and valuable contribution to improving Scottish education. They bring an important perspective to our work. Lay members help inspection teams to understand how well a school is doing from the perspective of parents, pupils and where appropriate, the wider community.

    Lay members contribute to the work of a school inspection team, resulting in a published report for parents. The report identifies strengths and areas for improvement and helps schools to improve the experiences and achievements of children and young people.

    Their lay members are from all walks of life with a range of life experiences.. The inspectorate is looking for people from a variety of backgrounds, with different skills, experience and knowledge.

    How to apply 

    Click here for more information and find out how to apply.

    The closing date for applications is Friday 24 May 2024.

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