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  • K107FM Volunteer Open Day

    Created: 02/05/2024
    News/Events Category: Community Events
    This item will show under the following categories: Volunteering  

    When: 10.00-2.00, Saturday 11 May 2024
    Where: K107fm Community Space, Mercat Shopping Centre, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1NJ
    This event is being organised by K107fm

    It is too late to book a place for this particular session, sorry about that.

    Kirkcaldy's community radio station K107fm is on the lookout for people to join their growing team of volunteers and members.

    Whether you want to be behind the microphone presenting to the Kirkcaldy area or behind the scenes helping the radio station run smoothly there is something for everyone.

    Roles include presenters, technical support, supporting community events or helping to spread the word by helping with their social media page including a Facebook page with other 10,000 followers.

    If you want to learn more about these opportunities, pop down to the K107 volunteer open day at their community space in the Mercat Shopping Centre.

    You can speak to current presenters and technical team about what they do, and speak to some of the trustees who run the station. You can even try out some of the equipment that gets used in their studios.

    Billy Anderson, trustee and presenter of Currently Country on K107fm said: "As a volunteer run charity, we rely on our volunteers to keep the station going but it's also a lot of fun jumping into the studio and doing a live show. We encourage anyone who is interested in getting involved to come and chat to us at our open day".

    You can find out more about how to become a volunteer at

    For more information visit this weblink

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