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  • DADx High Conflict Separation

    Created: 25/04/2024
    News/Events Category: Training and Learning
    This item will show under the following categories: Children and Families  

    When: 11.00-12.00, Wednesday 01 May 2024
    Where: Zoom
    This event is being organised by Fathers Network Scotland
    This particular event is free to attend, so no payment is required.

    It is too late to book a place for this particular session, sorry about that.

    Claire Ross, Training Manager at Shared Parenting Scotland, will guide you through supporting families in high conflict separations, the challenges of shared parenting, the importance of positive communication, and how to encourage resolution in families. 

    The logistics of supporting families, where parents are living apart, can be difficult at the best of times but when there is high conflict situations between parents, it can be extremely challenging for professionals to approach. Being able to support and signpost in these situations is important as research shows that adult conflict significantly lowers wellbeing for children. In fact, it is not divorce, single parenting, or step-families that creates poorer child outcomes - it is deteriorated parenting practices and adult conflict that predict poor child wellbeing.

    Claire will focus on how these themes are addressed through Shared Parenting Scotland's ‘New Ways For Families’ training which promotes positive communication strategies and key tips to dealing with high conflict personalities and ways to reduce confrontation and tension. Lastly, she will touch upon Shared Parenting Scotland's ‘Love, Loss, and Living’ programme that helps support parents that have little or no contact with their children.

    The presentation will be followed by Q&As.

    How To Book

    Click here to book your place.

    For more information visit this weblink

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