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  • Health and Safety Executive updates guidance on RIDDOR

    Created: 23/04/2024
    News/Events Category: Governance

    The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has updated its guidance on RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations). There are no changes to legal requirements, but there are changes to the guidance that will help your organisation know how and when they should submit a report under RIDDOR. 

    Main changes to the guidance include:

    • More direct links to guidance on the various types of reportable incidents to help you decide whether a report is required
    • Improved guidance on who should and should not report under RIDDOR
    • Improved guidance on what is meant by a ‘work-related’ accident
    • Information on when an occupational disease is not reportable
    • Increased clarity on when an ‘over-7-day’ absence should be reported

    Main changes to the online forms include:

    • The questions have been reordered to bring questions about the ‘severity of injuries’ to the beginning. This will help you quickly decide if your incident is reportable 
    • Pop-up messages will now redirect you if the incident is not reportable
    • Guidance has been improved throughout the forms to make them easier to use
    • Injured or affected people now have an increased number of options when completing the gender field

    For further information please see  the HSE website here.

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