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  • Volunteers Needed - Robert the Bruce 750th Anniversary Festival

    Created: 23/04/2024
    Please note: This volunteering item was uploaded some time ago and may have expired. Please contact us to find out more.

    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    Photo: Phoenix Photography

    2024 marks the 750th anniversary of the birth of Robert the Bruce. Dunfermline, as the 'ancient capital' of Scotland and the location of Bruce's final resting place in Dunfermline Abbey, makes the city the ideal location to celebrate the momentous anniversary of a Scottish icon. 

    In celebration of this event, Visit Dunfermline is hosting a free two-day festival on Saturday 01 and Sunday 02 June 2024 at Pitencrieff Park, Dunfermline. The event is open to all and will include: 

    • Jousting 
    • Staged pitched battles 
    • Falconry 
    • Bands
    • Medieval music 
    • Historic demonstrations in a re-enactment village 
    • Artisan craft fair 
    • Children's fun fair 
    • Food and beverage offerings

    Volunteer Opportunity

    The organisers are looking to recruit up to 30 volunteers who can devote either one or two half or full days to help organise this event. 

    Duties will include helping with car parking, spectator safety, and ensuring access for disabled participants.There will be a full brief given each day as to how you can help.. 

    Travel expenses will be paid and you'll receive a free token for one of the many food vendors on site. 

    As well as being great fun and a huge experience, this is a real opportunity to be involved in something very special, helping to bring a positive impact to the whole of the Fife community. 

    How To Sign Up 

    If you're interested or need further information, please contact Sandy Sewell on [email protected] or call 07455 896332.

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