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  • Fife Employment Access Trust - Canine Mindfulness Courses

    Created: 17/04/2024
    News/Events Category: Health and Social Care

    Mindfulness teacher Dougie with his therapet Gus

    Man's best friend is assisting Fife Employment Access Trust (FEAT) during 2024 to deliver a series of mindfulness courses across Fife. 

    Gus and Yorgi, two Australian Labradoodles and registered Therapets and their owner Dougie, a mindfulness teacher, will encourage participants to explore their lives more fully in a mindful way. 

    Over a period of six weeks (once per week for a morning or afternoon), they will explore the similarites and differences between our canine friends and us, how we deal with stress, how to relax and make connections with others and ourselves. 

    Courses are planned to run in May 2024 through to March 2025 in venues across Fife.

    Who Should Attend?

    There is no need to be a dog owner or know anything about dogs to participate. 

    This programme is educational in nature and aimed at anyone who would benefit from gaining new techniques to cope with challenging life events. 

    How To Book 

    For more information or to book a free space, e-mail [email protected] 

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