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  • SHARE - Sign up to help health research

    Created: 15/04/2024
    News/Events Category: Health and Social Care

    SHARE - The Scottish Health Research Register and Biobank is a register of people aged 11 years and over, who are interested in helping health research and being contacted by SHARE if a relevant health project becomes available. Health research can be anything from filling in a survey about your diet, to researching a new medication for an illness you may have.

    Please visit their website for more information.

    Who Can Take Part?

    They need healthy people and those with medical conditions to join. SHARE also seeks your permission to keep any leftover blood following routine clinical tests (e.g., if you have given a blood test at your GP). This leftover sample is anonymised and can be used to help genetic research. There is no obligation to take part in any studies if you don’t want to.

    How To Sign Up

    To register for SHARE today please visit

    Signing up to SHARE allows them to keep the public informed of what research is available in Scotland. SHARE is a great way for people to contribute to health research - which can improve the health of everybody in Scotland. 

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