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  • Barnardo's B-Wild Project Helping Young People Back into Education

    Created: 03/04/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families

    Young people struggling to attend school and to develop relationships with their peers are being helped back into education and are learning to open up thanks to a pioneering nature-based project being run by Barnardo’s Scotland.

    Since 2020, Barnardo’s Scotland has been implementing its B-Wild project in eight localities across the country. B-Wild encourages young people to get out and about in nature and explore what the world has to offer.

    It provides greater attachment to nature and increased self and social awareness. More than 800 children and young people aged between one and 24 have been supported to have therapeutic experiences in nature.

    B-Wild, which takes place in Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Falkirk, Inverclyde, Edinburgh, Clackmannanshire, Lanarkshire and Ayrshire (with Fife coming on board later this year), was awarded funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund in 2020. The project was originally due to run until the end of this month, but that has now been extended to March 2025.

    Click here to read more.

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