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  • Child Wellbeing Pathway - Practice Development Sessions

    Created: 28/03/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families
    This item will show under the following categories: Training and Learning  

    Workforce Development, Leadership and Culture is a key driver for Whole Family Wellbeing and on this basis a programme of multi-disciplinary practice development sessions have been delivered during 2023/24 led by Kerry Cooper, Workforce Development Lead Officer.

    Workforce Development plans have been informed by a training needs analysis and content has been shaped by partners to ensure these sessions promote better collaboration and partnership working to improve outcomes and practice.

    A further three sessions will be delivered from August 2024 to March 2025 building on the learning and practice to date and one main area is the refresh of the Child Wellbeing Pathway based on national GIRFEC guidance. The three planned twilight sessions will consider the following three themes:

    • Assessment & Tools
    • Information Sharing
    • The Team Around the Child Approach

    Click here to access the booking link

    If you have any questions regarding the events please contact Kerry Cooper: [email protected]

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