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  • Childline Receives Nearly 40 Contacts Per Day from Children Who Feel Unhappy

    Created: 25/03/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families
    This item will show under the following categories: Health and Social Care  

    Over the past year, Childline has delivered over 14,000 counselling sessions about low mood or unhappiness to children and young people who have contacted the service.

    Delivering 14,253 counselling sessions last year with children struggling with feelings of low mood or unhappiness, trained Childline counsellors know how vital it is for young people to seek support when they’re struggling with their mental health.

    With the support of their partner, Lidl GB, they’ve launched a new campaign to shine a light on this topic.

    The new Childline campaign, ‘Find Your Calm’, encourages all children to learn different ways of coping with frequent low mood to find what works for them.

    Unhappiness was the second highest sub concern seen by Childline under the main concern of ‘mental health’. Nearly 40% of these counselling sessions were with young people aged between 12 and 15. Many of the young people who spoke to Childline on this topic were also concerned about issues such as loneliness, confidence, loss and anxiety.

    Childline understand that every young person is different, and they may need help in navigating the ups and downs in their lives. This is highlighted in their new film, which follows four teenagers going through their own individual coping methods.

    Click here to read more

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