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  • How to find lost Child Trust Funds

    Created: 25/03/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families

    How do I know if I have a Child Trust Fund?

    Almost all children born in the UK between 01 September 2002 and 02 January 2011 were given an investment voucher worth between £50 and £750.

    Parents and guardians were asked to open a type of account called a Child Trust Fund, to invest the money in. If they didn’t do that, the government will have opened one for the child.

    Children in care will have had an account opened for them by the government.

    These accounts have been earning interest over time and could be worth anything between a few hundred pounds and over £2,000, depending on your personal circumstances.

    If the bank or building society where your Child Trust Fund is held knows your details, you should get a letter around your 18th birthday to tell you how you can access it.

    Find out how to track down your CTF if you didn’t get a letter 

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