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  • New guidance on impacts and access to welfare payments when children are supported in care

    Created: 22/03/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families



    One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS) and The Promise Scotland have published two new guides, one for parents and one for practitioners.

    The practitioner’s guide aims to help the workforce in voluntary and statutory agencies who are working with families. It aims to prevent, mitigate, and inform families of the financial and material changes that will affect them if their children become looked after, or when they return home after being in care. The guide explains the financial impact on families so that practitioners have the information they need to support families and improve outcomes.
    The guide for parents is designed to provide information for parents and families to understand how their welfare support might be impacted and where to get support and help and advice about money.

    Click here to read more




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