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  • Christian Book Promotion Trust - Speaking Volumes

    Created: 07/03/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    The Trust offers grants for Christian books to any library whether it’s in a school, prison, hospice, or church - anywhere really that a book can be borrowed and read by lots of people.

    Priority is given as follows:

    1. Public and Prison libraries, hospices
    2. Schools and pre-schools
    3. Churches and foreign placements (Churches demonstrating a clear outreach to their community will be given greater priority.)

    Fund award sizes

    Maximum: £500

    Notes on award amounts: The value of the grant depends on which type of organisation you are. The full list can be found in the fund guidelines on the Trust's website.

    Who can apply

    Anyone can apply, you do not have to be a librarian and they do not restrict grants to formal libraries. The location of the books could just be a bookshelf in a room so long as people can borrow them and they do get returned.

    How to apply 

    Click here to create an account on the Trust's website and complete the online application form. 

    The closing date for applications is Tuesday 30 April 2024.

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