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  • Proposed PVG Fee Waiver U-turn for Volunteers

    Created: 06/03/2024
    Please note: This volunteering item was uploaded some time ago and may have expired. Please contact us to find out more.

    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    Volunteer Scotland has stated they are disappointed by the proposal to remove the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) membership fee waiver for volunteers. This shock plan from Disclosure Scotland would mean that volunteers supporting some of Scotland’s most vulnerable people would be liable to pay 40% of the fee for their PVG membership.

    This proposal could not come at a worse time for volunteers or the organisations that support them. The pandemic and the cost of living crisis have created a perfect storm of rising demand for services, increasing costs and stagnating resources. Volunteers have been feeling the strain, resulting in a significant decline in volunteering participation in 2022. This is reflected in the experiences of volunteer involving organisations, who have been reporting difficulties recruiting volunteers for over a year.

    Alan Stevenson, CEO of Volunteer Scotland said:

    "We are very disappointed that Disclosure Scotland is considering removing the fee waiver for volunteers who require PVG membership for their roles. Volunteers give their time to provide essential support to some of the most vulnerable people in Scottish society. Given the significant demand for such services, we urge Disclosure Scotland to reconsider or the Scottish Government to intervene."

    It is difficult to underestimate the potential impact of this proposal on Scotland’s communities. Volunteers who require PVG membership include sports coaches, befrienders, leaders of children’s groups, youth work volunteers, elderly support volunteers and many more. It is good practice for organisations that deliver such activities to ensure that volunteers are not out of pocket. The financial burden presented by this proposed change on organisations, particularly given the current financial climate, could prove to be unsustainable and lead to a decline in the provision of vital community services.

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