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  • CLEAR Buckhaven & Methil - Administrator

    Created: 06/03/2024
    News/Events Category: Job Vacancies

    Post: Administrator
    Hours: 9.30-4.00, Tuesday-Thursday
    Salary: £13.00 per hour
    Location: CLEAR Hub, 36 College Street, Buckhaven, KY18 1JY

    CLEAR Buckhaven & Methil is seeking a motivated, well organised and experienced Administrator with some IT skills who shares CLEAR's values and commitment. Reporting to the director and projects manager, this part-time post involved 12-15 hours per week (at least two days between Tuesday and Thursday). There is scope for some flexibility in hours and days within those core days indicated. Renumeration includes auto enrolment pension contributions and leave entitlement. 

    The Role 

    The main responsibilities cover administrative, information and communication work to support the smooth operation of the charity, including: 

    1. Maintaining efficient and timely monitoring and record keeping covering all programme and organisational activity, including filing systems and online drive 
    2. Ensuring finances are carefully tracked and recorded, including cash transactions 
    3. Provide regular reports (routine and special) and information for the director/project manager, board and funders
    4. Ensuring organisational IT systems are maintained and updated and all information is stored in an accessible manner 
    5. Taking responsibility for other administrative tasks including utilities, compliance, registration etc, handling enquiries and responding to issues that arise 
    6. Maintaining HR information and participating in staff reviews and meetings 
    7. Supporting coordinating CLEAR's external communication including website, social media, e-bulletins, newsletters, and internal communications 
    8. Any other relevant information, communication, information and other tasks and gap-filling in some circumstances

    How to apply 

    Send your CV and cover letter outlining your suitability for the role to [email protected]

    The closing date for applications is Friday 22 March 2024.

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