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  • Get S.E.T to Empower Girls - Training for professionals

    Created: 05/03/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families

    Get S.E.T (Self Esteem Techniques) from MsMissMrs is a course for girls and young women, which aims to enable them to explore the importance of self-esteem and the factors at play which can affect their resilience. The course sparks conversations around boundaries, negative self-talk, healthy self-care and other vitally important life skills.

    The Get S.E.T programme provides training and materials to facilitate school-based or youth group education on boundaries, self-esteem, values and strengths.

    The programme has been mapped to three SQA units; SCQF levels 3 and 4 in Self Awareness, SCQF levels 3 and 4 in Exploring Wellbeing and SCQF level 5 in Leadership.

    Training is designed for professionals working with girls and young women aged 13+ in the settings of education, youth services, health and social care. In particular it’s suited to those looking for early intervention strategies to support young women to address issues they face with self-esteem, self-acceptance and wellbeing.

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