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  • Barnardo's - Changing Childhoods, Changing Lives

    Created: 05/03/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families

    UK teens believe they will have harder lives than their parents according to new research by Barnardo’s.

    The report highlights some of the biggest challenges facing children and young people today and explain how they’re driving the change they need now and in the years to come.

    As part of this report, Barnardo’s commissioned a YouGov poll of 1,001 children aged 14-17 across Great Britain. They were asked to imagine themselves aged 30 and answer a set of questions about what their lives would be like at that age.

    • 55% of children responding believe that their generation will not be as well off as their parents
    • 34% think their own children will be even worse off than they are
    • 61% don’t think they’ll own their own house – 24% think they’ll still be at home with their parents and 10% in shared accommodation

    Click here to read more


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