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  • Whole Family Wellbeing Funding Year 1 Process Evaluation Report

    Created: 12/02/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families

    On Wednesday 31 January 2024, the WFWF Year 1 Process Evaluation Final Report with accompanying annexes was published. This is the final report from an evaluation of Elements 1 and 2 of the Scottish Government WFWF during its first year of operation (2022 – 2023).

    The evaluation has been conducted by IFF Research, an independent research agency. The report provides findings on the funding’s administration, the design and set-up of funded activities at Children’s Services Planning Partnership (CSPP) level, implementation of activities to date; and evidence on children, young people and families’ experiences with family support services. Findings on perceptions of progress towards of early outcomes are also included, although this was not the focus of this process evaluation.

    IFF Research has also offered key recommendations for the programme and for CSPPs to progress with implementation based on the evidence gathered. These relate to workforce development; collaboration within and across CSPPs to build relationships and share knowledge; developing systems for CSPPs to gather feedback; supporting CSPPs to plan for delivering family support beyond the WFWF; and continuing to strengthen gathering relevant data and evidence on and the capacity to use this strategically. More detail on the recommendations can be found within the report.

    Read the report here

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