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  • Volunteers' Week celebrates 40th anniversary this summer

    Created: 12/02/2024
    Please note: This volunteering item was uploaded some time ago and may have expired. Please contact us to find out more.

    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    Volunteers’ Week is all about celebrating the invaluable contribution which millions of volunteers make to society every day. Volunteering builds connections, grows skills and gives back to society. And it’s been shown to be good for the wellbeing of volunteers too.

    To help make sure more people can get involved, Volunteer Scotland have changed the launch date of Volunteers’ Week to be the first Monday in June to start on a weekday. This year, the week-long series of events will kick off on Monday 03 June. As part of Volunteers’ Week this year, they will also have the Big Help Out taking place from Friday 07 to Sunday 09 June. This is another great opportunity for people from across the UK to come together and experience how rewarding volunteering can be. 

    Volunteers’ Week is organised by the UK Volunteering Forum, a partnership between NCVO, WCVA (Wales Council for Voluntary Action), Volunteer Scotland and Volunteer Now.

    Every year hundreds of events, both online and in-person, take place to celebrate Volunteers’ Week and the huge range of ways in which volunteers give their time. This year will be no different. A wide variety of activities will be happening across the country from volunteer recruitment events and open days to celebration and recognition events.  

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