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  • Fife College 125th Anniversary - Special events and initiatives

    Created: 12/02/2024
    News/Events Category: Employability

    Fife College has announced a comprehensive package of initiatives to celebrate its 125th anniversary in 2024. 

    Established in 1899, the college has evolved through the years, delivering education and training opportunities and contributing to the prosperity of the region and local communities. The programme of special events and initiatives will showcase the college's commitment to learning and community engagement. 

    Key Initiatives Include:

    • International Collaboration - Strengthening ties with educational institutions in the USA, such as Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, which share a common heritage with original founders Andrew Carnegie and George Lauder. This initiative aims to explore mutually beneficial opportunities to foster global educational exchanges and build upon the values and visionary philanthropy of the College’s founding benefactors.
    • 125th Anniversary Scholarship Programme - Launching a new scholarship initiative to empower and support students in their educational journey. This programme underscores the College’s vision of providing accessible education for all and reflects the spirit of philanthropy that birthed the college.
    • Community Events - Throughout the year, Fife College will host a series of engaging events across the Fife region, fostering a sense of community and celebrating the shared journey of learning.
    • Alumni Programme - Highlighting the College’s Alumni Programme to celebrate the achievements of the College’s alumni and inspire current students through their success stories.
    • Lauder Lecture Series - Reviving the annual Lauder Lecture, coinciding with the College’s actual birthday in October. This prestigious event will serve as a platform for thought leaders to share insights and knowledge, embodying the spirit of George Lauder's commitment to education.

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