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  • ALLIANCE - Self Management Fund

    Created: 01/02/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    Since 2009, the ALLIANCE has awarded over £26 million in funds to 432 projects across Scotland, supporting third sector and community based organisations across Scotland to develop self management activities. They have announced that the 2024 round of the Self Management Fund is now open to applications. 

    The Self Management Fund aims to support projects that put people and communities at the heart of prevention and self management, and is inviting applications for work that seeks to: 

    • Support people living with, or who might be at risk of developing, long term conditions to be better able to self manage and/or reduce risk factors
    • Support people who experience barriers to accessing health and social care support and services, due to geographical, social, or economic factors to feel better able to self manage through direct support or support to access services
    • Support people who are waiting for a specialist health or social care intervention or rehabilitation support through enabling them to develop self management capabilities while awaiting treatment
    • Support disabled young people or young people living with long term conditions or unpaid carers to understand the importance of self management and to develop skills which maximise their health and wellbeing

    The grant allocation panel is particularly interested in hearing from projects which support people with a range of conditions and/or multiple conditions and can demonstrate approaches that see the whole person and their holistic needs. In addition, the panel will be looking for projects with strong potential to generate new learning for self management practices.

    Grants available

    Two levels of grant are available:

    • Small grants of up to £15,000 for up to one year 
    • Large grants of up to £120,000 for up to three years

    How to apply

    Applications can be made through the online form. 

    This year they hope to make applying to the Self Management Fund easier than ever, with an online application form, a streamlined small grant form, and a two-stage process for larger requests that seeks to increase the accessibility of larger grants by reducing the level of detail initially needed. Further guidance including detail on application criteria can be found here.

    The closing date for applications is 12.01am on Tuesday 05 March 2024. The outcome of stage 1 large grant applications are expected by 21 March 2024, small grant outcomes by April 2024.


    About the fund

    The fund is administered by the ALLIANCE, on behalf of the Scottish Government. It is open to all community and third sector organisations in Scotland, working to support disabled people, people living with long term conditions and unpaid carers regardless of their membership of the ALLIANCE. If organisations would like to discuss a potential project with a member of the Self Management Team they can contact [email protected] to arrange a time to talk further.

    Application Q&A Sessions 

    ALLIANCE staff will be hosting a series of Q&A sessions with a presentation about the fund, the application process, criteria and exclusions and the opportunity to ask the fund manager any questions. Groups can register by clicking their preferred time below.

    Or by contacting [email protected] with the following information:

    • Which session you would like to attend
    • Your name and e-mail address
    • The name of your organisation
    • Your accessibility needs

    Please note attendance to Zoom meetings will be capped at 40. To ensure as many organisations can benefit from support as possible we are limiting attendance to two people per organisation.

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