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  • Centrepoint research highlights spiralling youth homelessness crisis

    Created: 29/01/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families

    The youth homelessness charity, Centrepoint, has released research from its Youth Homelessness Databank which monitors the number of young people presenting to their local authority as homeless or at risk of homelessness across the UK. 

    Young people are often invisible to authorities and services as they are more likely to be 'hidden homeless', such as sleeping on a friend's sofa or alternating between different short-term, unsuitable accommodations. 

    Key findings include: 

    • The number of young people approaching their council as homeless or about to become homeless has risen to 135,800 for 2022-23. This equates to 372 young people per day, and a new young person facing the harm of homelessness every four minutes. 
    • 35% of young people who are homeless or approaching homelessness weren't assessed at all when they approached their local authority for help. 33% of young people received a positive outcome from their local authority. 
    • 1 in 52 young people is homeless or at risk in the UK. 
    • Young women are almost five times more likely than young men to be homeless or at risk due to domestic abuse. 
    • The number of young people facing homelessness due to evictions increased by more than 40% during the financial year 2022/2023.
    • Reasons for homelessness in young people include family or friends no longer willing to accommodate, domestic abuse, eviction, landlord wishing to sell or re-let the property, and non-violent relationship breakdown with partner. 

    The research includes recommendations at national and devolved levels. 

    Read the full report here. 

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