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  • Family Support Service Annual Report

    Created: 29/01/2024
    News/Events Category: Children and Families

    This latest annual report for the Family Support Service (FSS) covers the period  August 2022 – July 2023. The report focusses on the FSS performance framework which ensures continuous improvement in relation to processes/delivery and outcomes.

    The headlines below provide a summary of key learning for each area:

    • Referral rates have reduced in comparison to the previous year of reporting, further examination of this indicated that this may be due to an error in counting children rather than referrals per family unit in the previous period 
    • Education is the highest referring agency followed by Health and Social Work which is broadly the same as the previous year  
    • The service has further embedded the use of  Microsoft Forms to obtain feedback from families about the impact of the service. In addition there has been a focus on participation of families in reviewing family support plans – feedback overall is very positive from families  
    • Emotional wellbeing and behaviour are the main areas indicating  an improvement in outcomes delivered by a whole family strength-based approach. Parenting skills and family relationships are in the main the key areas for support in terms of referrals to the service 
    • Tools used to evaluate the impact of the service for example the outcome star are more embedded but timescales for reviewing progress is an area for improvement
    • Feedback on communication with the service and referral processes was very good or good and was the case for the previous year of reporting. However further effort will be required across services to increase the number of respondents to surveys supporting continuous improvement. In addition strengthening links with secondary schools is an area of improvement which will be progressed through the newly formed Partnership meetings.
    • The highest  number of referrals relate to primary aged children which is the same as previous year 
    • The workforce is  equipped to  deliver flexible and adaptable services which is making a difference to children, young people, and families

    Click here to read the report

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