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  • Fife Gingerbread - Lone Parents, Poverty and Work Update

    Created: 19/01/2024
    News/Events Category: Employability

    Finger Gingerbread have recently released an updated on Lone Parents, Poverty and Work.

    This initiative is aimed at supporting lone parents into sustainable employment, and has now engaged with over 70 parents since its launch in April 2022, with more than 40 progressing into employment.

    The initiative received recognition for its work, winning a Reducing Inequalities award at the FVA Volunteering Awards and an Employability award at the Fife Business Diversity Awards. 

    Support Available 

    Training is available to parents to reduce anxieties associated with transitioning back to work and increase confidence. 

    Last year, this included parents completing paid work placements with Fife Council which included pre-employment training like emergency first aid, team building, professional boundaries, confidence building and resilience. 

    Fife Gingerbread is extending this initiative in 2024 and would like to hear from employers who are interested in collaborating with them by hosting lone parents for a period of six months, providing work experience in a supportive environment with the aim of a transition to a permanent position. The work placement is funded by Fife Gingerbread. 

    To find out more about Lone Parents, Poverty and Work, the opportunities above or how Fife Gingerbread can help meet your recruitment needs get in touch by e-mailing: [email protected]


    You may also be interested in Fife Gingerbread's Family Friendly and Flexible Working training session.

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