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  • Social Security Scotland - Best Start Foods update events

    Created: 19/01/2024
    News/Events Category: Employability

    New regulations for Best Start Foods were outlined in parliament on 07 December 2023. Subject to Parliamentary approval, the changes from these amendments will come into effect from 26 February 2024.

    While the main aim is to remove any income thresholds for qualifying benefits, Social Security Scotland has also taken this opportunity to further align Best Start Foods with the other Five Family Payments, along with making a number of technical changes. It is forecasted that these changes will enable an additional 20,000 individuals to receive Best Start Foods.

    In order to update key organisations and ensure partners are able to support their clients, Social Security Scotland are inviting stakeholders to sign up to virtual stakeholder events providing an overview of the changes. There will also be an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions and provide feedback.

    For more information on the Best Start Food regulation amendments, please click here.

    If you would like to attend a virtual event, you can sign up using the links below:

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