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  • CABWI Charity Funding

    Created: 10/01/2024
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    CABWI promotes learning and development that enables young people and adults to gain additional skills and confidence to enter the labour market. 

    To apply, your project must do one or more of the following: 

    • Work directly with young people and adults people who are not in employment, training or education, (NEET) or at risk of becoming NEET, to improve their access to employment
    • Work with individuals with complex barriers to employment to gain life skills and qualifications leading to employment
    • Help ex-service people and ex-offenders to gain new skills, training and employment
    • Have clear and well-established connections to employers who can offer meaningful work experience and/or employment
    • Prepare and develop young people and adults who seek a career in the water, utilities and construction industries

    Who can apply

    Registered charities, CIC, Co operatives, Social enterprises, anywhere in UK. You must have income below £1 million.

    How to apply

    Click here to apply online via the CABWI website. 

    You must attach your annual accounts, a recent bank statement and copy of your governing document. They also request a copy of your equality, diversity and inclusion policy, safeguarding policies for children and young people and adults (as applicable), and health and safety policy.

    The closing date for applications is Monday 19 February 2024. 

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