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  • Equal Voice - Mindfulness 10 Week Programme

    Created: 21/12/2023
    News/Events Category: Community Events

    When: 1.00 - 2.30pm, Thursday 25 January 2024
    Where: St Bryce Kirk, St Brycedale Avenue, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1ET
    This event is being organised by Equal Voice

    It is too late to book a place for this particular session, sorry about that.

    Over the 10 week programme you will explore and discover the mind and body with various techniques. 

    You will learn a simple routine of Qi Gong (mindful movement) along with breathing exercises to enhance your energy and connection to self. There will be some gentle meditation practice and learning about acupressure points that can help with various ailments and conditions. You'll then learn about the chakra system to support energy in and around the body. 

    Contact: Shirley Harkness
    Phone: 01592 653754
    E-mail: [email protected]

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