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  • Befriending Forum Round Up - December 2023

    Created: 20/12/2023
    News/Events Category: Partnerships, Networks and Forums

    At December's Befriending Forum, we enjoyed a chance to network, update each other on work and collaboration, and enjoy a mince pie. 


    Lea Cooper, Peer Support Network Coordinator and Lived Experience Team Facilitator at FVA, talked about the ongoing work on the Mental Health and Wellbeing in Primary Care and Community Settings co-production. The period of engagement has been extended as the group wish to get more detailed feedback. 

    As a group we discussed three topics - 1) What are the causes of mental health issues? 2) What motivates people to access support and what barriers do they face? 3) If we could change one thing about mental health in Fife, what would it be? 


    Updates from FVA 

    • FVA aim to have all staff trauma-informed trained. The training is suitable for teams, leaders and managers in all services. Run by Scottish Trauma Informed Leaders Training (STILT), organisations can access the training and resources through Learning Nexus and searching for "Psychological Trauma".
    • Sign up for Peer2Peer Training
    • FVA is currently recruiting a Carer Respite Coordinator and there will be new breaks for unpaid carers in 2024 
    • Time To Live and Time For Me grant funds are now available for unpaid carers 
    • There will be a new Carers Providers Forum starting in 2024 - keep an eye on our Forums page for more information

    The timetable for our 2024/25 forums is now live. Click here to find the dates for Health & Social Care, Mental Health, and Befriending forums. 

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