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  • Mandi Conway Fundraiser Training Fund

    Created: 19/12/2023
    News/Events Category: Funding and Finance

    Fundraising Everywhere has launched the Mandi Conway Fundraiser Training Fund to help fundraisers access professional development opportunities.

    The fund is for employed fundraisers working at a UK based charity who haven't been allocated any budget for training. You can apply to receive full or partial funding for your next course or conference.

    You can use the money to book online or in-person training or networking events including:

    • Webinars
    • Courses
    • Conferences or conventions
    • Attending networking events
    • 1-2-1 or group coaching

    They will take a look at applications at the start of each month beginning in January 2024 and will let applicants know the outcome. Depending on the number of applications we may change the frequency as the fund grows.

    For more information and to apply, please visit the Fundraising Everywhere website.

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