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  • How the volunteer experience has changed for Scottish volunteers

    Created: 08/12/2023
    Please note: This volunteering item was uploaded some time ago and may have expired. Please contact us to find out more.

    News/Events Category: Volunteering

    In May 2023, the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) published the results from the second wave of Time Well Spent: A national survey on the volunteering experience.

    Their research was based on an online survey of 7,000 adults aged 18+ across Great Britain. Volunteer Scotland was granted access to the Scottish data set to enable it to produce volunteering statistics for Scotland. They have deep mined this excellent data source to explore the Scottish volunteer experience in detail.

    Volunteer Scotland’s analysis has focused on the results from the 2023 ‘Time Well Spent’ survey, and a comparison to 2019 to provide analysis and insights on how the volunteer experience has changed for Scottish volunteers.

    • 94% of Scottish volunteers are fairly or very satisfied with their overall volunteer experience, down slightly from 97% in 2019
    • 82% of Scottish volunteers feel well support in their volunteering role, down three percentage points from 2019
    • More Scottish volunteers felt their unpaid help was becoming too much like paid work (15% in 2019 compared to 24% in 2023)
    • A higher proportion of volunteers agree that the organisation they volunteer for would pay expenses if the volunteer wanted them to (57% in 2019 compared to 59% in 2023), however 18% of Scottish volunteers do not know if the organisation they volunteer for would reimburse their expenses 
    • An increased proportion of Scottish volunteers volunteer online or over the phone (17% in 2019 compared to 30% in 2023)
    • 94% of Scottish volunteers cited enjoyment as the biggest benefit from their volunteering and 92% cited feeling they have made a difference

    Click here to access the full report. 

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