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  • Skills Development Scotland - Modern Apprenticeships Statistics Q2 2023/24

    Created: 01/12/2023
    News/Events Category: Employability

    Modern Apprenticeships (MAs) provide employed individuals (either new or existing) with the opportunity to secure industry-recognised qualifications at a range of Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels while in employment.

    The latest report provides a summary of quarter 2 (01 April to 29 September 2023) statistics for Modern Apprenticeships where there is a public funding contribution administered by Skills Development Scotland (SDS), on behalf of the Scottish Government.

    Key stats include: 

    • There were 12,136 Modern Apprenticeship starts, 3.6% lower than last year and 88% of what they were in Q2 2019/20, pre-pandemic
    • There was an increase in male starts but this was offset by a more significant decrease in female starts
    • Construction & Related had the highest number, and the greatest proportion, of starts at the end of Q2
    • 16.2% of all MA starts identified as disabled
    • The proportion of starts self-identifying as Mixed or Multiple; Asian; African; Caribbean or black; and Other ethnic group was 3.9% - the highest proportion reported at Q2

    You can read the report here.

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