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  • Volunteer Managers' Forum Round Up - 23 November

    Created: 27/11/2023
    News/Events Category: Partnerships, Networks and Forums
    This item will show under the following categories: Volunteering  

    At November's Volunteer Managers' Forum, the focus was on recruiting young volunteers.

    We heard from Alistair Hunter from Get The Gen

    Get The Gen is a social enterprise created to help businesses with all the issues around recruitment, retention, and development of a multi-generational workforce starting from young people up. 

    Alistair talked us through his guidelines on Recruit, Retain and Develop for young volunteers, helping young people feel safe, welcome, wanted, and giving them a genuine connection in their volunteering role. 

    This also included using young people's language, being flexible and helping young people to progress within the organisation or moving into new or enhanced roles. 

    Alistair talked passionately about the impact the approach to Recruit, Retain and Develop has had on young volunteers, including 19-year-old Ali who said "You don't know what you are missing" and "I would be where I am today if it were not for volunteering when I was young."


    We also enjoyed a table hop, exploring all the benefits, barriers, and potential in recruiting young volunteers in our organisations. 


    We look forward to seeing you at the next Forum - 

    Volunteer Managers' Forum on 23 March 2024. It's a great way to meet other people in a similar role to yours, catch up with what's happening in the field, discuss issues you may have, and ask questions. 

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